Certification made easy

Certification for the EurAsian Economic Union (CU TR)

It’s mandatory that a wide range of products bound for the EurAsian Economic Union, with member states Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, is tested and certified in accordance with the common standards based on “Technical Regulations (TR)”.

This system comprises both Declarations of Conformity (DoC) and Certificates of Conformity (CoC), each with their own conditions. There are several Technical Regulations one may have to comply with, of which the main ones in the industrial field are: C

* CU TR 004: LVE
* CU TR 010: machinery safety
* CU TR 012: EX
* CU TR 020: EMC
* CU TR 032: Pressure

Certificering Certificaat Rusland Kazachstan Wit-Rusland Armenië Kirgizië EAC

CIS Certification, as a well experienced certification company, can guide you through what is the best solution for your specific situation. Certificering Certificaat Rusland Certificering Certificaat Rusland Kazachstan Wit-Rusland Armenië Kirgizië EAC